AI for Students (5-12)

This source is great for students to understand the basics of Artificial Intelligence.

VEX EDR Curriculum (Grades 5-12)

These lesson plan are designed for the VEX EDR robotic kits.  Check out a wide variety of STEM concepts.

I Want to Hold Your Hand Activity (Grades 3-5)
In this activity, students construct a robot-like hand to demonstrate how data are collected when using robotic technology.

What's Hidden Inside? Activity (Grades 3-5)
This lesson challenges students to gather information about items they cannot see.

Lunar Nautics: Designing a Mission to Live and Work on the Moon Educator Guide (Grades 6-8 and Informal)
Students design, test, analyze and manage a space mission from initial concept to project funding while using this set of hands-on activities. Instructions for making edible rover models and more robotic activities are in this guide.

Calculator-Controlled Robots: Hands-on Mathematics and Science Discovery Educator Guide (Grades 6-9)
This guide provides activities for using calculator-controlled robots over the course of one semester.

Mars Exploration Rover Mission (All Grades)
Find educational materials related to the Mars Exploration Rover mission, which landed two identical robotic rovers named Spirit and Opportunity on Mars in January 2004.

Let's Investigate Mars Activity (Grades 3-5)
This lesson challenges students to develop an original, collaborative investigation based on recent Mars robotic investigations.

The International Space Station: The First Step In Exploration Poster -- Remote Manipulator/Robotic Arm Activity (Grades K-12)
This poster features basic facts about the International Space Station and activities relating to robotic and engineering design. Demonstration videos for activities are available.

On the Moon Educator Guide  (Grades K-12)
NASA and PBS's "Design Squad®" offer teams of students six hands-on engineering challenges that can be used during class time or in after-school programs.

NASA Space Place: People and Technology (Grades 4-8)
Try these fun activities that introduce technologies being tested for use on space missions in the future. Robot-related activities include:
  --Toy Asteroid Nanorover
  --Robot Puzzle
  --See Why Two Eyes Beat One

Rover Races Activity (Grades 5-9)
Students experience some of the challenges of "tele-operating" a robotic vehicle on another planet when they design and execute a series of commands to guide a human "rover" through a simulated Martian surface.

"Out of Sight" Remote Vehicle Activity (Grades 5-9)
Students operate a robotic vehicle that is not directly in view of the driver or operations team.

Digital Learning Network (Grades K-12)
NASA's educational interactive webcasts connects students with NASA experts and education specialists. Use the following four modules to teach about robotics.

     (1) Introduction to Robotics in the Classroom (Grades 5-8)
     Which skills will students need for a future career with robotics?
     Connect with NASA to learn what is necessary to become a
     robotics engineer. Students also learn how NASA uses
     robots to collect data.

     (2) Spacebots (Grades K-12)
     During the Spacebots event, students learn how NASA defines
     robotics; see how robotic systems are used in the space
     program; and discover the space agency's plans for future
     robotic applications. The event includes the following
     preconference activities for students:

          Spacebots Activities
          -- Robots in Action (K-4)
          -- Think Like a Robot (K-4)
          -- Robotic Arm Activity (5-8)
          -- Can a Robot Tie Your Shoes? Activity (5-8)
          -- Design a Microrover for the Moon Activity (5-8)
          -- Robotic Arm (9-12)
          -- Robotic Maze (9-12)

     (3) Directive: Mapping the Moon with WALL-E (Grades K-8)
     Disney Pixar's robot helps co-host this event and introduces
     students to a few NASA missions, with a focus on NASA's
     recently launched Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, the LRO,
     and the Lunar Crater and Observation Sensing Satellite,

     (4) Mission to Mars Exploration (Grades 5-12)
     Travel to the Red Planet and discover what it takes to land
     robotic missions on the uninviting terrain of the Martian soil.
     Become aware of intense dust storms, huge craters, enormous
     canyons and towering volcanoes.

Fundamentals of Lunar Exploration: The Search for Lunar Ice (Grades 8-9)
These robotic resources can be used for educator professional development or as a unit for students.

NASA's BEST (Beginning, Engineering, Science and Technology) Students (Grades K-8)
Download curriculum guides for engineering clubs and professional development.

The Various Applications of Robots

Leg and Motion Control Design Principles

Automotive Design Principles for Future Engineers & Robotics Teams

Flow Rigs for Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer

Karakuri and the Concept of Sociable Robots

How To Build A Robot From Scratch

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Lesson Plans:

Check out many resources related to grade K-12 education including lesson plans and opportunities for both students and teachers. 


Bots for Life

Robotics: Grade K-12 Lesson Plans and Opportunities